Selling My Home

Selling My Home All About Seller’s Disclosures Disclosure is key to the house selling process. While the form may seem overly long and confusing, filling it outright is important. Failure to disclose some problems or entering false information can leave you open to a lawsuit, even after closing. Federal, state and local You must obey federal, state and local laws for disclosures. […]
Open House Prepping for Photography to Sell your home! The goal behind prepping for photography is to create a narrative about your home. The more appealing it is, the easier it is to make an offer. If things look cared for, the potential buyers will feel a lot more optimistic about their investment. Stand out from your competition and give your home the best […]
Selling My Home Sell My Property Sell My Property First, I will research the property and neighborhood and research sold comparable properties. We will meet (either online or in person) and go over the market conditions, terms, property features and you goals and expectations to be able to determine the best price for the property. Please see below on what I […]
Selling My Home Shannon’s Bio Bio for Shannon Katz, Space Coast Realtor with Century 21 Circle.  I am a 4th generation Floridian and have spent a good deal of time in the rockies of Colorado and the beaches of South Padre Island, Texas. I moved back to Brevard in 2014 to be closer to family. I love the Space Coast […]
Open House What to Look for at an Open House | Spacecoast, Florida May 23, 2022 Open houses may be staged to look like a home decor dream, but don’t let that distract you from the real reason you’re there: to potentially buy a home. Make sure you can look past the neatly arranged furniture and focus solely on whether the house would be a good fit for […]
Selling My Home Showcase & Sell My Home | Spacecoast Florida Is it Time to Sell Your Home? Get exposure with beautiful photos of your home for your listing. Get it ready for full exposure for presentation to your potential buyers and real estate agents to share with their buyers.   Want to get the best price in a reasonable amount of time? It is important […]
Selling My Home Sell My Home! Space Coast Florida Real Estate View More Articles:                                                            SOME EXCELLENT TIPS FOR SELLERS! The TWO BIGGEST FACTORS THAT SELL HOMES are exposure and pricing.  EXPOSURE: the more people who are […]
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